quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

dia triste

Hoje percebi que o Karim sumiu do facebook

Ultimo dia que ele falou comigo foi dia 05/03

O que será, vi com outro perfil e não foi o caso dele ter me bloqueado simplesmente ele excluiu o perfil, tomara que volte logo..


Tem uma musica linda que descobri hoje, mas sabe.... fico deprimida quando escuto muita música árabe

a música é :

Nos ultimos dia comprei 400 dolares, toatl agora 3100

Que eu saiba guardá-los até o dia de partir.....

Osad Einy (In front of my eyes)

There is a meeting between us 
Even if we are so far from each other 
Sure, she will come back, even if the distance is so big 

There is a meeting between us 
Even if we are so far from each other 
Sure, she will come back, even if the distance is so big 

You are in front of my eyes, in every place 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

And again, we will come back 
I?m in love and filled with passion 
I can?t give you up, no matter what 
You are in front of my eyes 
I can?t handle the days alone 
I can?t tell you how much love I owe you 
Every night and when I sleep 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

You are in front of my eyes, in every place 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

One day we will return 
The love is still there 
There is still hope of our love to survive 

You are in front of my eyes, in every place 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

You are in front of my eyes, in every place 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

And again, we will come back 
I?m in love and filled with passion 
I can?t give you up, no matter what 
You are in front of my eyes 
I can?t handle the days alone 
I can?t tell you how much love I owe you 
Every night and when I sleep 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

You are in front of my eyes, in every place 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

And again, we will come back 
I?m in love and filled with passion 
I can?t give you up, no matter what 
You are in front of my eyes 
I can?t handle the days alone 
I can?t tell you how much love I owe you 
Every night and when I sleep 
You are in front of my eyes, in every place 

W baina maad 
Law ahna baad 
Akeed ragaa w law bainy w baino blad 

W baina maad 
Law ahna baad 
Akeed ragaa w law bainy w baino blad 

Osad einy fey kol makan 
Osad einy fey kol makan 

W men tani akeed ragaaeen 
Ana dayeb w koli haneen 
Wala omri abeeaa law meen 
Osad einy 
W mosh ader aala el ayam 
Wala yoosef hawaya kalam 
W tool laily w lama banam 
Osad einy 

Osad einy fey kol makan 
Osad einy fey kol makan 

Fey youm hanaood 
Da baina woaaood 
W fey gheyabo akeed lesa el amal mawgood 

Fey youm hanaood 
Da baina woaaood 
W fey gheyabo akeed lesa el amal mawgood 

Osad einy fey kol makan 
Osad einy fey kol makan 

W men tani akeed ragaaeen 
Ana dayeb w koli haneen 
Wala omri abeeaa law meen 
Osad einy 
W mosh ader aala el ayam 
Wala yoosef hawaya kalam 
W tool laily w lama banam 
Osad einy 

Osad einy fey kol makan 
Osad einy fey kol makan 

W men tani akeed ragaaeen 
Ana dayeb w koli haneen 
Wala omri abeeaa law meen 
Osad einy 
W mosh ader aala el ayam 
Wala yoosef hawaya kalam 
W tool laily w lama banam 
Osad einy 

Osad einy fey kol makan 
Osad einy fey kol makan